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Yes you can link to the top level domain of a site ( eg.No you may not ask for a specific pirated title (eg.Where can I find games, movies, softwares etc). Yes you can ask generalized questions (eg.Don't request or link to specific pirated titles

No self-promotion of your own work is allowed unless you expressly receive permission from the moderators.ģ.No trading or selling content, especially not for monetary services.No asking for content downloads, activation keys etc.No pleading for invites to scene sites, private torrent trackers, DDL forums or other sites with closed registrations.Don't request invites, trade, sell, or self-promote You are not allowed to post any visual representation for seeding / leeching ratio.Ģ.Images that are too blurry or have a lot of unintelligible text will be deleted. Comics, Memes & Screenshots are acceptable, but should be original and of good quality.The focus on file-sharing, articles and discussions about moral dilemmas with unauthorized distribution, legal developments, challenges, and other related topics are all welcome.

Posts must be related to the discussion of digital piracy