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Keep the fraudulent message for further investigationsīy making you aware of these fraudulent schemes, we hope to keep you from being victimized, and ultimately to stop these schemes from being perpetrated against others.You can use your favorite Telegram messenger and have access to an Extended User Profile, Unique Business Extensions, Security & Privacy, and more features that give you an advanced messaging experience. Fill out this form completely ( see example). What should YOU do if you receive such an email or if an acquaintance forwards such an email to you? The perpetrators may even offer to pay a large percentage of the fees requested and ask the candidate to pay the remaining amount. The perpetrators frequently use mobile or platform telephone numbers beginning with +44(0)70 instead of official company numbers. If the email address doesn’t end with it most likely is not legitimate. Email correspondence appears to be sent from an officer or senior executive of the Company, often in Legal or Human Resources. E-mail correspondence is often sent from (or to) free web-based e-mail accounts such as, .uk,, ,, etc. Candidates are requested to contact other companies/individuals such as lawyers, bank officials, travel agencies, courier companies, visa/immigration processing agencies, etc.
There is an early request for personal information such as address details, date of birth, CV, passport details, bank details, etc. The GE name and logo is often featured on the documentation without authority. The perpetrators will often ask recipients to complete bogus recruitment documentation, such as application forms, terms and conditions of employment or visa forms. These emails request that recipients provide personal information, and ultimately payments, to process applications for jobs that do not exist. This type of fraud is normally perpetrated through online services such as bogus websites, or through unsolicited e-mails claiming to be from the company. Recruitment fraud is a sophisticated scam offering fictitious job opportunities.